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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

TWD: (No) Mocha Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm glad there was an easy recipe this month because I definitely didn't have time for croissants! We altered these a bit because we don't drink coffee, so they just ended up being chocolate chip cookies. They were fine, but not amazing, probably because we altered the recipe. They do make awesome dough though! Not quite as good as my favorite, but that's hard to beat :)


  1. The dough on this recipe was a bit addictive :-)


  2. I can understand where you coming from when you say they werent the best.. because i think the cookie works best with coffee and is for coffee lovers!!

  3. The dough was awesome! I found the cookies did best when the dough was really chilled/frozen. (but I do that with most cookies now) The coffee definitely gave it an enhanced flavour.

  4. The dough was addicting - and the cookies were tasty! I can't remember the last time I made oatmeal chocolate chip. I'll have to make some soon - thanks for the reminder; and yours look great!
