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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Basil Pesto Pasta and Chicken

We got a huge bunch of basil from the farmers market and despite our best efforts to use it all it started to go bad. What do you do with basil that won't last much longer? Make pesto of course!

We used this recipe for the pesto from the kitchn. We only got 1 cup of basil (this is a picture of the basil at the beginning), so we used about 1/6 everything else. When making pesto, you blanch the basil. We cooked the pasta in the basil blanching water which gave it even more flavor! This was really good, but I think it'd be even better with sun-dried tomatoes. Maybe next summer...

Basil Pesto Pasta and Chicken
Serves 3

1/4-1/3 cup basil pesto
1/2 pound pasta
1 chicken breast
Parmesan cheese

Cut and saute the pieces of the chicken breast in some olive oil. Meanwhile cook the pasta. If you made your own pesto, cook the pasta in the blanching water for extra flavor. Once the chicken and pasta are done, coat them both with the pesto and sprinkle Parmesan on top. 

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